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Listing ID#: 18534
Auction Location |
corpus christi, TX 78414 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Thursday May 5, 2016 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Check it out Auctions and Estate Liquidations Contact: Kim Miller Phone: 361-752-8518 Email: Website: ID#: 1578 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
This is a cash only auction. All sales are final and with no implied or other wise warranties, or guarantees. All units will have a refundable $50 per unit cleaning deposit. Deposit will be returned upon unit being emptied and broom swept clean. You must pay for units purchased before leaving location. 8.25% tax will be added to the total of each sale unless Tax exemption number is given at time of sale.
Listing Information |
MOVE IT SELF STORAGE MAY 5 2016 Move it Self Storage locations listed below will hold a public auction of property being sold to satisfy landlord’s lien. Sale will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2016 at the following locations and times. Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and clean-up will be required. Seller reserves the right to not accept any bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property includes contents in the spaces of the following tenants: 10:00am Corpus Christi – BAY AREA – 2301 Rodd field Rd Larry Morton – Lamp, washer, lawn mover Vicki Johnson – Tv, bed, mattress Anthony Diaz – Lawn mover, washer/dryer, table Fernando Medina – Clothes, toys, coffee maker Janie Rocha – bikes, dresser, chest Fernando Medina – tile, lawn tools, dog crate Isabel Jaramillo – stroller, dresser, mattress Tony Fernandez – tires, luggage, Christmas tree Blake Barfield – couch, table, boxes 10:30am Corpus Christi, RODD FIELD – 1951 Rodd field Rd Christipher Pevey - Mattress, dolly, washing machine Amelia Chen - Air compressor, paint Rafael Vasquez - Couch, boot boxes Edwin Soto -Tote & boxes Hector Villanueva - Refrigerator, furniture Francisca Martinez - Dryer, tubs, cash register Dasan Roland - Shelves & lamps James Chavez - Backpack and bins Camille Armstrong- Totes & kids toys Elva Ramon -Table, Chairs, Boxes, Electrical Tools Vernon Moore - Electrical Tools 11:00 am Corpus Christi - WEBER – 5752 Weber rd Erick Gonzalez- Sofa, Love seat & Washer & Dryer Veronica Adame- Household items, Guitar, Sofa Valarie Paul – mattress & Boxes Darrian Wallace- furniture, sofa, boxes Aaron D. Garcia- Sofa, dresser, table Belinda Salinas- Big Screen TV 11:30am Corpus Christi – AYERS – 5560 Ayers St Maria Perez – TV, Bags, Boogie Boards Robert Soliz – Household Items, TV, Bins, Clothes Charlesetta Huff – Furniture, Boxes, Bins Rudy Alvarado – Stereo, Boxes, Bins, Tools Augustine Balboa – Furniture, refrigerator, electric toy car, weed eater Michelle C. Marquez – Boxes, Bins Ludivina Lynch – Furniture, Boxes, Bins, Bags April Avila – TV, Boxes, Bins, Clothes Manuel Padilla – Boxes, Bins, Bags Michael Olivarez – Furniture, Boxes, Sofas Elizabeth G. Vargas – Bins, |
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