Antiques & Collectibles
Listing ID#: 1696128

Auction Location
Centre Hall Fire Co Social Hall
134 North Witmer Ave
Centre Hall, PA 16828
Auction Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 1, 9:00 am
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Hess's Auctioneering

Website: ID#: 4215
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
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Listing Information

Saturday, March 01 @ 9 AM


In Centre Hall, Turn off SR 144 North Pennsylvania Avenue onto East Locust Street to the Centre Hall Fire Company Social Hall at 134 North Witmer Avenue, Centre Hall, Centre Co, PA


Antiques, Collectibles & Primitives: Range Rider Toy; Deluxe Auto Transport Truck & Trailer; Erector Set; Tin Farm Animals; Payloader; Fisher Price Barn Sets; 60+ 1960’s Disney, Sun, Mobley, Arrow, Star, Ashland & Other Rubber Toys; Rolly Polly & Squeaker Toys; Bobble Toys; Gene Autry Tin Toy; Battery Oper. Mystery Car; Fido’s Musical Dog House (made in Switzerland); Bell Telephone Truck; Buddy L Super Market Delivery Truck; Key & Marx Taxi; Pressed Steel Stake Body Truck; Cast Oliver Manure Spreader; Pressed Steel Air Plane; Battery Oper. Monkey, Bartender, Bubble Blower Bear Chef; Light Up Christmas Elf; Marx Tin Tractor; Tootsie Toy Battle Ships; 40 Plus Lunch Boxes (some w/Thermos); Pressed Steel Trucks, Loaders, Structo & Buddy L; 4 Match Box Carry Cases w/Car’s (1960’s-‘80’s); Smurf’s Record Player & Banks; BB Gun; Nintendo Game; Star Trek Blueprints; Bunny Brown Books; Farmers Supply of Millheim, Farmall M Mirror/Thermometer; Shook’s Farm Dairy Milk Bottle, Spring Mills; PA Farm Show 2010 Minneapolis Moline Die Cast Pedal Tractor NIB; 2010 Farm Show Cockshutt Pedal Tractor; 2011 IH Farmell H Pedal Tractor w/Spoke Rims NIB; Atlantic Refining Co. 1 Sided Porcelain Sign; NAPA Kessinger Auto Supply Plastic Sign; Centre Hall Street Signs; Nickol Kola tin Sign; Masonite Farm Bureau Sign; Paper Woodlawn Ice Cream Sign; 12+ Santa’s: Paper Mache, Rolly Polly & Lighted; Rayo Lights; Cosmic Scott Lamp; Quilts; Buggy Blankets; Brass Hand School Bell; Marbles; Pioneer Thermometer; Beam 100 Bourbon Whiskey Phone; Cast Christmas Tree Stand; Fishing Creel; Bamboo Fly Rods; Tonkin Cane; Oak Case Wall Phone; Medicine Cabinet; Wooden Nail Kegs; Wooden Egg Carrier; Dewar Scotch Wooden Box; Great Western Champion Box; Birmingham Dairy Wooden Box; Folk Art Team of Wooden Horses & Wagon; Mit-E-Kit Can; 6 Candle-Candle Molds; 19th Century Tar Bucket; Gray Granite Bucket; Planters & Hershey Jars; 1950 Penns Creek Flour Feed Mill’s Calendar; Post Cards w/Local Documentation; Bellefonte & Axemann Papers; Westinghouse Fan; Mantle Clock; Sprinkling Cans; Spice Grinder; Nittany Mtn., Hershey & Taylor’s Dairy, Bellefonte Qt. Milk Bottles; Ink Bottles; 7up Alum. Cooler; Corn Dryer; Quilting Rack; Adv. Burlap; First Nat’l. Bank of Centre Hall Coin Bank; Lock Haven Buster Brown Sizing Sofa w/Child Seat; Bookcases; Glider Rockers; Plank Bottom Chairs; Glass/Wooden Floor Model Show Cases; Sunbeam Mixmaster Store Display Stand; Mortised Bench; Pintop Tavern Table; 3 Flat Top Trunks; Cedar Wardrobe; Horse Pattern Cast Iron Park Bench NIB; Ford Buyer’s Guides; DuPont Power Tin; Pointing Tools; Pocket Knives & Sm. Local Adv. Pcs.; Brad Keeler Lobster Dish Set; Tulip Pattern Stain Glass Window; 2 - 1 Arm Bandit Machines (works, need keys); 3 Color Red Light; Goods Chip Can; Cities Service Clock; Schmidt’s Bear Clock; Coke Clock; 1905 Souvenir Granger’s Pic-nic Picture; Minstrel Picture; PAPEC Manuels; Wagner, Puritan, Wardway Cast Iron Fry Pans; Hastings Brass Counter Top Scale w/Weights; Demand Breakstone’s Cream Cheese Glass Case; Glass Ice Tea Dispenser; Enterprise Pottery, New Brighton, PA Crockery Jug (cracked); Crocks; Currier & Ives Picture Book; 1930’s-50’s Postal Address Reports; Ledger, Cemetery Plot Records; Penn RR Bills of Lading; Spring Mills Farm Ledger; 1941, ’43, ’46, ’47 PA Hunting Licenses; 1915, 1918 & 1925 License Plates; Titan & Cerro Pins; Pocketknives; State Cereal Lic.; Penn State Alumni News; Daily Collegian; American Horticulture; J. Didley Framed Oil of Waterfowl; A. Redmond Floral Oil; 45 Records; LP’s Genesis, CarnX, Bob Seiger, Beatles; Tin & Dagareo Type; Books; Weathervane & More. 



Guns: Savage Axis 7mm/08 NIB; Tradition Hawken Woodsman 50 Cal. Flintlock; Ammo.


Coins: 1886, 1888, 1890, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1903, 1921, 1922, 1923 Silver Dollars; Ike Halves; 1964 Kennedy Halves; Wheat Pennies; 1923, ’25, 26 Wheat Pennies; 1858 Half Drilled Dime; 3 Cent Drilled Silver; 


Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-002854-L, 570-966-2512 & Daniel King, AA-01950-L                   




Auction License: AU-002854-L
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Antiques & Collectibles

Hess's Auctioneering

Hess's Auctioneering

Sale Location
Centre Hall Fire Co Social Hall 134 North Witmer Ave
Centre Hall, PA 16828
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 1, 9:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
Listing Details

Saturday, March 01 @ 9 AM


In Centre Hall, Turn off SR 144 North Pennsylvania Avenue onto East Locust Street to the Centre Hall Fire Company Social Hall at 134 North Witmer Avenue, Centre Hall, Centre Co, PA


Antiques, Collectibles & Primitives: Range Rider Toy; Deluxe Auto Transport Truck & Trailer; Erector Set; Tin Farm Animals; Payloader; Fisher Price Barn Sets; 60+ 1960’s Disney, Sun, Mobley, Arrow, Star, Ashland & Other Rubber Toys; Rolly Polly & Squeaker Toys; Bobble Toys; Gene Autry Tin Toy; Battery Oper. Mystery Car; Fido’s Musical Dog House (made in Switzerland); Bell Telephone Truck; Buddy L Super Market Delivery Truck; Key & Marx Taxi; Pressed Steel Stake Body Truck; Cast Oliver Manure Spreader; Pressed Steel Air Plane; Battery Oper. Monkey, Bartender, Bubble Blower Bear Chef; Light Up Christmas Elf; Marx Tin Tractor; Tootsie Toy Battle Ships; 40 Plus Lunch Boxes (some w/Thermos); Pressed Steel Trucks, Loaders, Structo & Buddy L; 4 Match Box Carry Cases w/Car’s (1960’s-‘80’s); Smurf’s Record Player & Banks; BB Gun; Nintendo Game; Star Trek Blueprints; Bunny Brown Books; Farmers Supply of Millheim, Farmall M Mirror/Thermometer; Shook’s Farm Dairy Milk Bottle, Spring Mills; PA Farm Show 2010 Minneapolis Moline Die Cast Pedal Tractor NIB; 2010 Farm Show Cockshutt Pedal Tractor; 2011 IH Farmell H Pedal Tractor w/Spoke Rims NIB; Atlantic Refining Co. 1 Sided Porcelain Sign; NAPA Kessinger Auto Supply Plastic Sign; Centre Hall Street Signs; Nickol Kola tin Sign; Masonite Farm Bureau Sign; Paper Woodlawn Ice Cream Sign; 12+ Santa’s: Paper Mache, Rolly Polly & Lighted; Rayo Lights; Cosmic Scott Lamp; Quilts; Buggy Blankets; Brass Hand School Bell; Marbles; Pioneer Thermometer; Beam 100 Bourbon Whiskey Phone; Cast Christmas Tree Stand; Fishing Creel; Bamboo Fly Rods; Tonkin Cane; Oak Case Wall Phone; Medicine Cabinet; Wooden Nail Kegs; Wooden Egg Carrier; Dewar Scotch Wooden Box; Great Western Champion Box; Birmingham Dairy Wooden Box; Folk Art Team of Wooden Horses & Wagon; Mit-E-Kit Can; 6 Candle-Candle Molds; 19th Century Tar Bucket; Gray Granite Bucket; Planters & Hershey Jars; 1950 Penns Creek Flour Feed Mill’s Calendar; Post Cards w/Local Documentation; Bellefonte & Axemann Papers; Westinghouse Fan; Mantle Clock; Sprinkling Cans; Spice Grinder; Nittany Mtn., Hershey & Taylor’s Dairy, Bellefonte Qt. Milk Bottles; Ink Bottles; 7up Alum. Cooler; Corn Dryer; Quilting Rack; Adv. Burlap; First Nat’l. Bank of Centre Hall Coin Bank; Lock Haven Buster Brown Sizing Sofa w/Child Seat; Bookcases; Glider Rockers; Plank Bottom Chairs; Glass/Wooden Floor Model Show Cases; Sunbeam Mixmaster Store Display Stand; Mortised Bench; Pintop Tavern Table; 3 Flat Top Trunks; Cedar Wardrobe; Horse Pattern Cast Iron Park Bench NIB; Ford Buyer’s Guides; DuPont Power Tin; Pointing Tools; Pocket Knives & Sm. Local Adv. Pcs.; Brad Keeler Lobster Dish Set; Tulip Pattern Stain Glass Window; 2 - 1 Arm Bandit Machines (works, need keys); 3 Color Red Light; Goods Chip Can; Cities Service Clock; Schmidt’s Bear Clock; Coke Clock; 1905 Souvenir Granger’s Pic-nic Picture; Minstrel Picture; PAPEC Manuels; Wagner, Puritan, Wardway Cast Iron Fry Pans; Hastings Brass Counter Top Scale w/Weights; Demand Breakstone’s Cream Cheese Glass Case; Glass Ice Tea Dispenser; Enterprise Pottery, New Brighton, PA Crockery Jug (cracked); Crocks; Currier & Ives Picture Book; 1930’s-50’s Postal Address Reports; Ledger, Cemetery Plot Records; Penn RR Bills of Lading; Spring Mills Farm Ledger; 1941, ’43, ’46, ’47 PA Hunting Licenses; 1915, 1918 & 1925 License Plates; Titan & Cerro Pins; Pocketknives; State Cereal Lic.; Penn State Alumni News; Daily Collegian; American Horticulture; J. Didley Framed Oil of Waterfowl; A. Redmond Floral Oil; 45 Records; LP’s Genesis, CarnX, Bob Seiger, Beatles; Tin & Dagareo Type; Books; Weathervane & More. 



Guns: Savage Axis 7mm/08 NIB; Tradition Hawken Woodsman 50 Cal. Flintlock; Ammo.


Coins: 1886, 1888, 1890, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1903, 1921, 1922, 1923 Silver Dollars; Ike Halves; 1964 Kennedy Halves; Wheat Pennies; 1923, ’25, 26 Wheat Pennies; 1858 Half Drilled Dime; 3 Cent Drilled Silver; 


Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-002854-L, 570-966-2512 & Daniel King, AA-01950-L                   




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Antiques & Collectibles
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Mar 1, 9:00 am
Auction Location
Centre Hall Fire Co Social Hall 134 North Witmer Ave
Centre Hall, PA 16828
Hess's Auctioneering


Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
File Attachments

Saturday, March 01 @ 9 AM


In Centre Hall, Turn off SR 144 North Pennsylvania Avenue onto East Locust Street to the Centre Hall Fire Company Social Hall at 134 North Witmer Avenue, Centre Hall, Centre Co, PA


Antiques, Collectibles & Primitives: Range Rider Toy; Deluxe Auto Transport Truck & Trailer; Erector Set; Tin Farm Animals; Payloader; Fisher Price Barn Sets; 60+ 1960’s Disney, Sun, Mobley, Arrow, Star, Ashland & Other Rubber Toys; Rolly Polly & Squeaker Toys; Bobble Toys; Gene Autry Tin Toy; Battery Oper. Mystery Car; Fido’s Musical Dog House (made in Switzerland); Bell Telephone Truck; Buddy L Super Market Delivery Truck; Key & Marx Taxi; Pressed Steel Stake Body Truck; Cast Oliver Manure Spreader; Pressed Steel Air Plane; Battery Oper. Monkey, Bartender, Bubble Blower Bear Chef; Light Up Christmas Elf; Marx Tin Tractor; Tootsie Toy Battle Ships; 40 Plus Lunch Boxes (some w/Thermos); Pressed Steel Trucks, Loaders, Structo & Buddy L; 4 Match Box Carry Cases w/Car’s (1960’s-‘80’s); Smurf’s Record Player & Banks; BB Gun; Nintendo Game; Star Trek Blueprints; Bunny Brown Books; Farmers Supply of Millheim, Farmall M Mirror/Thermometer; Shook’s Farm Dairy Milk Bottle, Spring Mills; PA Farm Show 2010 Minneapolis Moline Die Cast Pedal Tractor NIB; 2010 Farm Show Cockshutt Pedal Tractor; 2011 IH Farmell H Pedal Tractor w/Spoke Rims NIB; Atlantic Refining Co. 1 Sided Porcelain Sign; NAPA Kessinger Auto Supply Plastic Sign; Centre Hall Street Signs; Nickol Kola tin Sign; Masonite Farm Bureau Sign; Paper Woodlawn Ice Cream Sign; 12+ Santa’s: Paper Mache, Rolly Polly & Lighted; Rayo Lights; Cosmic Scott Lamp; Quilts; Buggy Blankets; Brass Hand School Bell; Marbles; Pioneer Thermometer; Beam 100 Bourbon Whiskey Phone; Cast Christmas Tree Stand; Fishing Creel; Bamboo Fly Rods; Tonkin Cane; Oak Case Wall Phone; Medicine Cabinet; Wooden Nail Kegs; Wooden Egg Carrier; Dewar Scotch Wooden Box; Great Western Champion Box; Birmingham Dairy Wooden Box; Folk Art Team of Wooden Horses & Wagon; Mit-E-Kit Can; 6 Candle-Candle Molds; 19th Century Tar Bucket; Gray Granite Bucket; Planters & Hershey Jars; 1950 Penns Creek Flour Feed Mill’s Calendar; Post Cards w/Local Documentation; Bellefonte & Axemann Papers; Westinghouse Fan; Mantle Clock; Sprinkling Cans; Spice Grinder; Nittany Mtn., Hershey & Taylor’s Dairy, Bellefonte Qt. Milk Bottles; Ink Bottles; 7up Alum. Cooler; Corn Dryer; Quilting Rack; Adv. Burlap; First Nat’l. Bank of Centre Hall Coin Bank; Lock Haven Buster Brown Sizing Sofa w/Child Seat; Bookcases; Glider Rockers; Plank Bottom Chairs; Glass/Wooden Floor Model Show Cases; Sunbeam Mixmaster Store Display Stand; Mortised Bench; Pintop Tavern Table; 3 Flat Top Trunks; Cedar Wardrobe; Horse Pattern Cast Iron Park Bench NIB; Ford Buyer’s Guides; DuPont Power Tin; Pointing Tools; Pocket Knives & Sm. Local Adv. Pcs.; Brad Keeler Lobster Dish Set; Tulip Pattern Stain Glass Window; 2 - 1 Arm Bandit Machines (works, need keys); 3 Color Red Light; Goods Chip Can; Cities Service Clock; Schmidt’s Bear Clock; Coke Clock; 1905 Souvenir Granger’s Pic-nic Picture; Minstrel Picture; PAPEC Manuels; Wagner, Puritan, Wardway Cast Iron Fry Pans; Hastings Brass Counter Top Scale w/Weights; Demand Breakstone’s Cream Cheese Glass Case; Glass Ice Tea Dispenser; Enterprise Pottery, New Brighton, PA Crockery Jug (cracked); Crocks; Currier & Ives Picture Book; 1930’s-50’s Postal Address Reports; Ledger, Cemetery Plot Records; Penn RR Bills of Lading; Spring Mills Farm Ledger; 1941, ’43, ’46, ’47 PA Hunting Licenses; 1915, 1918 & 1925 License Plates; Titan & Cerro Pins; Pocketknives; State Cereal Lic.; Penn State Alumni News; Daily Collegian; American Horticulture; J. Didley Framed Oil of Waterfowl; A. Redmond Floral Oil; 45 Records; LP’s Genesis, CarnX, Bob Seiger, Beatles; Tin & Dagareo Type; Books; Weathervane & More. 



Guns: Savage Axis 7mm/08 NIB; Tradition Hawken Woodsman 50 Cal. Flintlock; Ammo.


Coins: 1886, 1888, 1890, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1903, 1921, 1922, 1923 Silver Dollars; Ike Halves; 1964 Kennedy Halves; Wheat Pennies; 1923, ’25, 26 Wheat Pennies; 1858 Half Drilled Dime; 3 Cent Drilled Silver; 


Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-002854-L, 570-966-2512 & Daniel King, AA-01950-L