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Listing ID#: 1694716
Auction Location |
Norwalk, OH 44857 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Jan 8, 9:00 AM Bidding Ends: Tuesday Jan 28, 6:00 PM |
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JF Marketing Ltd Website: ID#: 5054 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Sells upon Seller Confirmation
10% Buyer Premium added to high bid to establish the sale price
Online Auction begins to close at 6pm on January 28th. Soft close will extend by 3 min each time a bid is entered within the last 3 min of bidding.
No contingencies to prevent closing.
Closing to take place no later than 30 days from auction date.
Bidders must present Proof of Funds in order to bid
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Listing Information |
Selling the Freight House Restaurant at auction, subject to Seller Confirmation. All goes for one money - all real estate, building, contents, equipment, memorabilia - all of it sells to the highest bidder. We're looking for someone to take over the existing operation, or go big and revamp the operation into your very own dream restaurant. Come to our open house on January 18th from 12 noon - 4pm. See the restaurant and everything in it, and enjoy appetizers and drinks while relaxing with the owner. There is a second open house on Saturday, January 25th from 11am - 1pm for those who cannot make the first open house. This event will be just a walk through, sorry, no food!~ You are welcome to bring an appraiser, contractor or friend to help you evaluate the true value of this investment. Limited finances are available upon request with the auctioneer. The restaurant was very profitable the last month it was open. This is a discussion best had with the owner.
Auction License: 20100000128 |
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