Farm Reduction Auction
Listing ID#: 1694012

Auction Location
336 Grange Road
Rochester, PA 15074
Auction Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 19, 10:00 am
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Croll's Mills Auction

Contact: Roger Croll
Phone: (724) 496-4580
Website: ID#: 2201
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of Sale: Cash~Good Check~Credit/Debit Cards 5% Convenience Fee on All Credit/Debit Cards
Listing Information

Croll's Mills Auctions

Saturday April 19, 2025 @ 10:00 am 

336 Grange Road, Rochester, PA 15074

GMC Dump truck w/plow 

 Tractors:  IH 786 MFWD 6cyl diesel.  IH 100 Hydron Farmall diesel w/rops, canopy, & dual remotes.  IH 86 Hydro diesel w/rops, canopy, & dual remotes.  John Deere 3020 diesel narrow front, 487 hrs on a total engine overhaul.  John Deere 3010 diesel wide front. Farmall 560 diesel narrow front end. Ford 2000 gas. Ford Golden Jubilee gas. Ford NAA gas.

Equipment:  John Deere combine, John Deere 3940 forage harvester, John Deere power seeder, New Holland BC5060 hay baler, (4) New Holland hay wagons, Several Gehl 920 wagons, New Holland 258 hayrake, John Deere 443 corn head, John Deere 213 grain head, 16' header cart, Discbine model 1411, New Holland 40' hay elevator, H&S 5115 liquid manure spreader, New Holland 180 manure spreader, Killbros gravity wagon, New Holland silage blowers, New hay Tedder, New Holland 561 round baler, 

Misc:   Plastic toolbox, Aluminum tool box, Set of duals, Aluminum fuel tank, Power washer, Pallet with shingles, Snow fence, Hay fans, T fence posts, 300 gal sprayer, Several barn fans, wagon wheels & rims, Baler twine, 20' drain pipe, Snow blowers,  

This will be a simulcast auction through  Both live in person with online bidding available. This auction will be held at the Big Knob Grange Fairgrounds 



  Roger Croll (724) 496-4580


 auctionzip # 17949                         gotoauctions #2201 #5692  


Terms of Sale: Cash~Good Check~Credit/Debit Cards

3% Convenience Fee on ALL Credit/Debit Cards   

Auction License: AU005812
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Farm Reduction Auction

Croll's Mills Auction

Croll's Mills Auction

Contact: Roger Croll
Phone: (724) 496-4580
Sale Location
336 Grange Road
Rochester, PA 15074
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 19, 10:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms of Sale: Cash~Good Check~Credit/Debit Cards 5% Convenience Fee on All Credit/Debit Cards
Listing Details

Croll's Mills Auctions

Saturday April 19, 2025 @ 10:00 am 

336 Grange Road, Rochester, PA 15074

GMC Dump truck w/plow 

 Tractors:  IH 786 MFWD 6cyl diesel.  IH 100 Hydron Farmall diesel w/rops, canopy, & dual remotes.  IH 86 Hydro diesel w/rops, canopy, & dual remotes.  John Deere 3020 diesel narrow front, 487 hrs on a total engine overhaul.  John Deere 3010 diesel wide front. Farmall 560 diesel narrow front end. Ford 2000 gas. Ford Golden Jubilee gas. Ford NAA gas.

Equipment:  John Deere combine, John Deere 3940 forage harvester, John Deere power seeder, New Holland BC5060 hay baler, (4) New Holland hay wagons, Several Gehl 920 wagons, New Holland 258 hayrake, John Deere 443 corn head, John Deere 213 grain head, 16' header cart, Discbine model 1411, New Holland 40' hay elevator, H&S 5115 liquid manure spreader, New Holland 180 manure spreader, Killbros gravity wagon, New Holland silage blowers, New hay Tedder, New Holland 561 round baler, 

Misc:   Plastic toolbox, Aluminum tool box, Set of duals, Aluminum fuel tank, Power washer, Pallet with shingles, Snow fence, Hay fans, T fence posts, 300 gal sprayer, Several barn fans, wagon wheels & rims, Baler twine, 20' drain pipe, Snow blowers,  

This will be a simulcast auction through  Both live in person with online bidding available. This auction will be held at the Big Knob Grange Fairgrounds 



  Roger Croll (724) 496-4580


 auctionzip # 17949                         gotoauctions #2201 #5692  


Terms of Sale: Cash~Good Check~Credit/Debit Cards

3% Convenience Fee on ALL Credit/Debit Cards   

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Farm Reduction Auction
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Apr 19, 10:00 am
Auction Location
336 Grange Road
Rochester, PA 15074
Croll's Mills Auction

Contact: Roger Croll
Phone: (724) 496-4580

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of Sale: Cash~Good Check~Credit/Debit Cards 5% Convenience Fee on All Credit/Debit Cards

Croll's Mills Auctions

Saturday April 19, 2025 @ 10:00 am 

336 Grange Road, Rochester, PA 15074

GMC Dump truck w/plow 

 Tractors:  IH 786 MFWD 6cyl diesel.  IH 100 Hydron Farmall diesel w/rops, canopy, & dual remotes.  IH 86 Hydro diesel w/rops, canopy, & dual remotes.  John Deere 3020 diesel narrow front, 487 hrs on a total engine overhaul.  John Deere 3010 diesel wide front. Farmall 560 diesel narrow front end. Ford 2000 gas. Ford Golden Jubilee gas. Ford NAA gas.

Equipment:  John Deere combine, John Deere 3940 forage harvester, John Deere power seeder, New Holland BC5060 hay baler, (4) New Holland hay wagons, Several Gehl 920 wagons, New Holland 258 hayrake, John Deere 443 corn head, John Deere 213 grain head, 16' header cart, Discbine model 1411, New Holland 40' hay elevator, H&S 5115 liquid manure spreader, New Holland 180 manure spreader, Killbros gravity wagon, New Holland silage blowers, New hay Tedder, New Holland 561 round baler, 

Misc:   Plastic toolbox, Aluminum tool box, Set of duals, Aluminum fuel tank, Power washer, Pallet with shingles, Snow fence, Hay fans, T fence posts, 300 gal sprayer, Several barn fans, wagon wheels & rims, Baler twine, 20' drain pipe, Snow blowers,  

This will be a simulcast auction through  Both live in person with online bidding available. This auction will be held at the Big Knob Grange Fairgrounds 



  Roger Croll (724) 496-4580


 auctionzip # 17949                         gotoauctions #2201 #5692  


Terms of Sale: Cash~Good Check~Credit/Debit Cards

3% Convenience Fee on ALL Credit/Debit Cards