Fantastic Toy Auction
Listing ID#: 1688220

Auction Location

Westampton, NJ 08060
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Feb 1, 2025 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
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21st Century Antiques ID#: 1375
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Live bid auction. Preview at 7:30 AM Sale begins at 10 AM. WE WELCOME ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS ON PHOTOGRAPHED LOTS. Please place your bids by noon on the Wednesday preceding the sale. Cash, check, Visa or Mastercard accepted: a 10% buyer’s premium will be assessed, and a 3% fee added for credit card sales. NJ sales tax collected unless you file a resale number with us.
Listing Information

In partnership with Sweetbriar Auctions, we are pleased to present the toy collection of Ray & Betsy Baker of Cold Springs, New York. They have been avid collectors for 50+ years of antique dolls and mechanical toys, as well as Steiff & Lenci characters and paper mache' nodders. This sale is part one of the collection, another portion will be sold April 5, with a third portion later in the year. Highlights include a 19th century working toy grain elevator, Linemar Mickey Magician boxed, Linemar Figaro & Jiminy Cricket, Remote controlled Abominable Snowman, early Fisher Price, Distler auto, dog & Bumper car, Schoenhut shooting gallery & circus animals, French lead soldiers, Strauss Balky Mule boxed, Robbie the Robot, Flintsones characters, Marx Chompy beetle, Lil Abner Dogpatch band, several Schuco wind ups, early paper mache' jack o lantern w/ paper insert, tin sand toys, Bubble Blowing Popeye, celluloid wind ups, Campbell kids Chuck Wagon playset boxed, Geman candy containers, J Chein Rocket Ride boxed, Marx Newlywed Cottages, about 40 paper mache' Character nodders, Lenci dolls, Steiff ride on turtle & large giraffe, and more! If you like dolls, there's a charming early Kathe Kruse, French & German fashions, cute bisque babies & toddlers, Martha Chase, Presbyterian and Rollinson cloth, wax peddler, life sized all wood Creche figure, Kewpies, and lots more. You can see the entire catalog by clicking here  Catalog. If you want a sneaky peek at what's happening in the April auction, here's that link. April 5

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Fantastic Toy Auction

21st Century Antiques

21st Century Antiques

Sale Location
Crescent Shrine Center 700 Highland Drive
Westampton, NJ 08060
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Feb 1, 2025 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Live bid auction. Preview at 7:30 AM Sale begins at 10 AM. WE WELCOME ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS ON PHOTOGRAPHED LOTS. Please place your bids by noon on the Wednesday preceding the sale. Cash, check, Visa or Mastercard accepted: a 10% buyer’s premium will be assessed, and a 3% fee added for credit card sales. NJ sales tax collected unless you file a resale number with us.
Listing Details

In partnership with Sweetbriar Auctions, we are pleased to present the toy collection of Ray & Betsy Baker of Cold Springs, New York. They have been avid collectors for 50+ years of antique dolls and mechanical toys, as well as Steiff & Lenci characters and paper mache' nodders. This sale is part one of the collection, another portion will be sold April 5, with a third portion later in the year. Highlights include a 19th century working toy grain elevator, Linemar Mickey Magician boxed, Linemar Figaro & Jiminy Cricket, Remote controlled Abominable Snowman, early Fisher Price, Distler auto, dog & Bumper car, Schoenhut shooting gallery & circus animals, French lead soldiers, Strauss Balky Mule boxed, Robbie the Robot, Flintsones characters, Marx Chompy beetle, Lil Abner Dogpatch band, several Schuco wind ups, early paper mache' jack o lantern w/ paper insert, tin sand toys, Bubble Blowing Popeye, celluloid wind ups, Campbell kids Chuck Wagon playset boxed, Geman candy containers, J Chein Rocket Ride boxed, Marx Newlywed Cottages, about 40 paper mache' Character nodders, Lenci dolls, Steiff ride on turtle & large giraffe, and more! If you like dolls, there's a charming early Kathe Kruse, French & German fashions, cute bisque babies & toddlers, Martha Chase, Presbyterian and Rollinson cloth, wax peddler, life sized all wood Creche figure, Kewpies, and lots more. You can see the entire catalog by clicking here  Catalog. If you want a sneaky peek at what's happening in the April auction, here's that link. April 5

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Fantastic Toy Auction
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Feb 1, 2025 Completed
Auction Location

Westampton, NJ 08060
21st Century Antiques

Listing Terms and Conditions
Live bid auction. Preview at 7:30 AM Sale begins at 10 AM. WE WELCOME ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS ON PHOTOGRAPHED LOTS. Please place your bids by noon on the Wednesday preceding the sale. Cash, check, Visa or Mastercard accepted: a 10% buyer’s premium will be assessed, and a 3% fee added for credit card sales. NJ sales tax collected unless you file a resale number with us.

In partnership with Sweetbriar Auctions, we are pleased to present the toy collection of Ray & Betsy Baker of Cold Springs, New York. They have been avid collectors for 50+ years of antique dolls and mechanical toys, as well as Steiff & Lenci characters and paper mache' nodders. This sale is part one of the collection, another portion will be sold April 5, with a third portion later in the year. Highlights include a 19th century working toy grain elevator, Linemar Mickey Magician boxed, Linemar Figaro & Jiminy Cricket, Remote controlled Abominable Snowman, early Fisher Price, Distler auto, dog & Bumper car, Schoenhut shooting gallery & circus animals, French lead soldiers, Strauss Balky Mule boxed, Robbie the Robot, Flintsones characters, Marx Chompy beetle, Lil Abner Dogpatch band, several Schuco wind ups, early paper mache' jack o lantern w/ paper insert, tin sand toys, Bubble Blowing Popeye, celluloid wind ups, Campbell kids Chuck Wagon playset boxed, Geman candy containers, J Chein Rocket Ride boxed, Marx Newlywed Cottages, about 40 paper mache' Character nodders, Lenci dolls, Steiff ride on turtle & large giraffe, and more! If you like dolls, there's a charming early Kathe Kruse, French & German fashions, cute bisque babies & toddlers, Martha Chase, Presbyterian and Rollinson cloth, wax peddler, life sized all wood Creche figure, Kewpies, and lots more. You can see the entire catalog by clicking here  Catalog. If you want a sneaky peek at what's happening in the April auction, here's that link. April 5