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California Auctions
Yucaipa, CA
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Upcoming Auctions in Yucaipa, CA |
January 16
Moreno Valley, AL
GovDeals Auction #7299-24 Ending 01/16 To see full auction details and the current bid, CLICK HERE: **Price reflects the current bid and is subject to change at any time during the ongoing auc
GovDeals, Inc.
Moreno Valley, AL
GovDeals Auction #7299-24 Ending 01/16 To see full auction details and the current bid, CLICK HERE: **Price reflects the current bid and is subject to change at any time during the ongoing auc
012125 Surplus Items - Home Depot, Costco + More
January 21
Hesperia, CA
Next auction date Jan 21st first item sells at 10:00 AM appliances, bath & faucets, blinds, building materials, decor & furniture, doors, electrical, flooring, tile & rugs, hardware, tools, lawn & garden, lighting & ceiling fans, paint, plumbing and
Abamex Auction Co.
Hesperia, CA
Next auction date Jan 21st first item sells at 10:00 AM appliances, bath & faucets, blinds, building materials, decor & furniture, doors, electrical, flooring, tile & rugs, hardware, tools, lawn & garden, lighting & ceiling fans, paint, plumbing and