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California Auctions
Tulare, CA
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Upcoming Auctions in Tulare, CA |
Hanford Auction House 01/18/2025
January 18
Hanford, CA
You'll receive an email with a Square Link to pay your invoice after the auction ends. You can choose to pay cash. Indicate this in the auctioneer notes when registering. You must pick up your items by 3pm on Monday following the auction. A $50 la
Hanford Auction House
Hanford, CA
You'll receive an email with a Square Link to pay your invoice after the auction ends. You can choose to pay cash. Indicate this in the auctioneer notes when registering. You must pick up your items by 3pm on Monday following the auction. A $50 la
Hanford Auction House 02/01/2025
February 1
Hanford, CA
You'll receive an email with a Square Link to pay your invoice after the auction ends. You can choose to pay cash. Indicate this in the auctioneer notes when registering. You must pick up your items by 3pm on Monday following the auction. A $50 la
Hanford Auction House
Hanford, CA
You'll receive an email with a Square Link to pay your invoice after the auction ends. You can choose to pay cash. Indicate this in the auctioneer notes when registering. You must pick up your items by 3pm on Monday following the auction. A $50 la