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California Auctions
Poway, CA
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Auto Art Collision Specialists Escondido Ca
January 16
Escondido, CA
Featuring: Chief frame rack 3 posts with pump and lots of tools and jigs, Heated Cross Draft Paint both, Enclosed Paint booth, Metal building enclosures, welders available for purchase as well screw type compressors, Kent cabinets. Lots of electri
Abamex Auction Co.
Escondido, CA
Featuring: Chief frame rack 3 posts with pump and lots of tools and jigs, Heated Cross Draft Paint both, Enclosed Paint booth, Metal building enclosures, welders available for purchase as well screw type compressors, Kent cabinets. Lots of electri
2011 AMF 60-0211 Dual Chamber Power Mill/Drill
January 20
San Diego, CA
GovDeals is an Online Auction – LOT#26536-2 Auction Ends 1/20/2025. To see full details, additional photos and current bid, please use this link- 2011 AMF 60-0211 Dual Chamber Power Mill/Drill.
GovDeals, Inc.
San Diego, CA
GovDeals is an Online Auction – LOT#26536-2 Auction Ends 1/20/2025. To see full details, additional photos and current bid, please use this link- 2011 AMF 60-0211 Dual Chamber Power Mill/Drill.
MabPlex USA
Online Only - Bidding Ends January 21
San Diego, CA
100Ohaus AX4202 ScaleOhaus AX4202 Scale. S/N B623573484. HIT #2526800. LOC: Cell Line Development. Asset Located at 4650 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123. 101Eppendorf 5424R Benchtop CentrifugeEppendorf 5424R Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge with...
Heritage Global Partners
San Diego, CA
100Ohaus AX4202 ScaleOhaus AX4202 Scale. S/N B623573484. HIT #2526800. LOC: Cell Line Development. Asset Located at 4650 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123. 101Eppendorf 5424R Benchtop CentrifugeEppendorf 5424R Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge with...