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Chico, CA
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Durham Pump Surplus Auction
Online Only - Bidding Ends January 29
Chico, CA
4732(DMV) 2013 Ford F-350 Flat Bed(DMV) 2013 Ford F-350 Flat Bed Odometer Indicates: 176,149 Features: Gas , V8, 6.2L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is available to the public to bid on. If authorized, BidCal will process the DMV paperwork...
BidCal, Inc
Chico, CA
4732(DMV) 2013 Ford F-350 Flat Bed(DMV) 2013 Ford F-350 Flat Bed Odometer Indicates: 176,149 Features: Gas , V8, 6.2L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is available to the public to bid on. If authorized, BidCal will process the DMV paperwork...